
By FauxPunk

Day 5

Today was my first day off after 7 days (with loads of added overtime on top) in work. I didn't want to waste it by staying in all day... as on those days I generally get pretty angry with myself by about 7PM.

I did treat myself to a long lie, but went out with the Yashica in the early afternoon. It was simultaneously exciting taking loads of pics and frustrating not knowing how decent a job I was doing. It occurred to me after a while that the whole point was to see what worked and what didn't, but by the time I use up the entire film and get it processed, I'm never going to remember what I did when, so I started keeping a note of settings, with a brief description of the shot in case the order gets mixed up when processing.

Jumped on the scales, and discovered I've managed to lose a few pounds over Christmas. This has never ever happened to me. In fairness I haven't been eating much (don't fret, women, by that I mean I haven't been over-indulging... I'm not starving myself!) so I'm hoping that's the reason for weight loss. and not loss of muscle-mass due to a few weeks off the gym. That would be somewhat ironic.

To celebrate said weightloss, I treated myself to Dominos. But it defeated me :( Sad times!

The rest of the night was spent on twitter & watching telly (that awful new Tom Daly thing, Take Me Out, Jonathon Ross) and then I realised that despite a day of photography, I hadn't taken a blip. So here's a bit of an emergency effort. Sorry it's not particularly original or inspired.

Oh... and I've now taken 21 of my first 36 exposures on the Yashica :-D I'm hoping to finish the film by next Sunday :-D

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