A moment in time.

By Natureguy69

Goodbye my Amiga Coco! We will miss you!

I picked up my friends from the airport on Thursday and today they came to pick up Coco.
We are sad and We will miss you Coco. You are our Amiga for life!

As for the couch I took pictures and emailed the property manager. The couch is still there as the garbage truck never did pick it up. The property manager told me to call a number and have them pick it up. No way Jose! This is not my responsibility. I was so mad that I just don't want to deal with it anymore. This is not my problem.
I told the manager that with the couch still there it makes the neighborhood look so disgusting as 2 couches are there and dirty blankets scattered all over the neighborhood.
It's ridicules! I am furious!
Have a nice weekend everyone!

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