Mono Monday, reflections

Thanks to nickimaggs888 for hosting. The challenge today is reflections and I have chosen the noun meaning of the word, to give serious and careful thought to...
We take an interest in a local (ish) hedgehog rescue, save newspapers, buy the odd tin of food etc. Every so often we take the supplies to the rescue. They have recently bought what can be best described as a small holding, and are in the process of getting it ready. They will be moving completely in a few weeks from Wixams to Wyboston. Not only will they rescue, treat, release back to the wild the hedgehogs, but will keep chickens, goats, and other animals, grow grapes, asparagus, onions, beetroot, beans. The list grows at quite a rate.
Anyway, today, as Callum was off, having worked all weekend, we had a tip run and dropped into the hogspital with some supplies. These are the angora goats who arrived from Devon at the end of last month. They are called Lobelia and Larch. And today when we visited they were inside having their nails trimmed. I managed quite a few shots, but in this one she seemed to be reflecting on the tasty green grass outside in the field. She was soon back out there enjoying herself.
Couple of extra photos if you care to have a look. Such sweet faces.

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