
By ScarletMonkey


As we'd had a busy weekend I needed a rest day for my brain to reset. Which entailed mostly sitting on the sofa watching Bones. I used to struggle a lot with the idea of 'wasting' time and beat myself up about it, but I'm learning to accept things now. I have a chronic illness, which means I need to rest more than people might expect of someone my age, but fighting against it is an excellent way of making myself feel worse in the long term. I also have a list of 'tiny things to do' so I can feel like I've achieved something, but they're small enough to be realistic. So I'll do one or two tiny things and then let myself be still for the rest of the day. It's still a battle sometimes with acceptance, but I feel like I'm getting there.

Fluffy tends to approve of my recovery days, so here's a picture of him snoozing on my lap.

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