Prockies pics

By Maralyn

Oh Grandma please, no bright lights!!!!!!!

Having spent most of the day outside yesterday, Shadow spent his evening upstairs..........great company!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, he came down for his supper when I was getting ready to go up to bed, he spent part of the night with me, I know because I tried to roll over in the night and my legs had nowhere to go!!!!!!!!

This morning he was concerned that I wasn't getting up, so he tried sitting on my belly...............that didn't work!!!! So he moved up to lie on my boobs, whilst flexing his claws, and purring in my ear!!!!! That did it, I'm now up!!!!!

I have fed him, made a brew for myself and am getting told in no uncertain terms that I should let him go out into the garden!!!!!!! He's just gone out, it's rather misty at the moment but he didn't mind!!

I need to organise myself today ready for work on the morning, the days lessons are already planned, so now it's the basics.............set alarms, sort clothes, make my lunch for tomorrow, check my bag, find my keys for my classroom, check bag, check alarms!!!!!!!!
A lot of teacher friends say that the worst nights sleep they ever have is the last night of the holidays, scared of oversleeping, fearful of what they day may bring...........whatever it is, I wish it wasn't so, I hate waking up several times during the night to check the clock!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a good day, take care.

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