To do
There is always too much to do. Just in this one (finished, supposedly) bedroom, here are two jobs that caught my eye: light fitting to be researched, purchased and installed, and black out curtains to be made to supplement the (elegant, but useless) linen ones. The blue curtain is temporarily clamped in place to stop the moon shining through the gap in the warped shutters and keeping Mr B awake. It's been temporarily clamped in place since 2014. And then there's the shutters to fix.
But tomorrow I will instead be spending my time and money getting a gutter fixed that is causing minor inconvenience to our aggressive neighbours. Squeaky wheel? Bullying? I can't even be bothered to think about it.
Some work, some mucking about with photos, and I didn't set foot outside all day. It rained, first time in a while. First scarf wearing of the season too - very chilly. Warmth is due to return tomorrow.
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