
By cowgirl


I said that a lot!

The doctor told me to rest my wrist, so I’ve taken July off! So, what do you do when you’re not earning any money? Spend it, of course. Couldn’t miss a gig like this though, 2 favourite bands together - The Kris Barras Band supporting Black Stone Cherry. Ok, so it was in Glasgow, so that’s gig tickets, train tickets and a hotel for the night ... even Kris shook his head and told me I’m mad when I went over for a chat after the gig. You only live once and you just have to try to keep the regrets down to a minimum.

I’m WAY behind with posts and comments, sorry. It’s now September and I’m listening to the new KBB cd that landed on my doormat this morning, looking forward to when touring commences again next month .. yes, there will be more band pics, I just don’t know when I’ll get them posted!

Just to say I’m still here and plan to catch up ... Hope all’s well with you all xxx

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