Venice in Glasgow

In our Glasgow offices for a development meeting followed by a budgets meeting. While there I blipped the Ca’D’oro building in Union Street.

The Ca' D'Oro Building, Was designed by architect John Honeyman is said to have based his design for what was originally a furniture warehouse, opened in 1872, on the "Golden House" in Venice. It was built using triple-arched cast iron frames with masonry arches above the shops below. Above the arches, large bay and round windows are framed by Doric and Corinthian columns.

The building became known as the Ca' D'Oro in 1927, when a restaurant of that name was opened in the concrete mansard erected on top of the building to the design by J Gaff Gillespie, completed by Jack Coia.

The interior of the building and the mansard were destroyed by a major fire in 1987, although the cast iron frame survived. The building was restored and refurbished. It reopened in 1990 when it was occupied by Waterstone's bookshop at street level and offices above. The ground floor has subsequently been occupied by a number of different retailers.

Hope you have had a good mid week.

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