A trip to the museum

My Mum and Dad have been staying with us for a while but headed off home bright and early this morning. So, after a prolonged and fond farewell Mrs Smith headed off to the supermarket to restock the kitchen and I headed out on the bike (not quite sure how I managed that one). While my parents were staying my Dad told me something I didn't know before - I knew my Dad been a keen road cyclist for most his life but I didn't know that his Dad used to race competitively in the 1920s on the old velodromes, including the one that used to be at New Brighton within a stones throw from where Mrs Smith's sister now lives. I'll have to make a pilgrimage there this year.

Anyhow, back to me, It was a beautiful morning and I found myself along the coastal trail and rode into the open air industrial heritage museum at Prestongrange where I took a few photos, nibbled on some Haribo Fangs and got a warm welcome from the mad spaniel. The owner was even more mad though.

Back home now and my arse is about to hit the sofa where it will hopefully stay for the rest of the day - apart from refuelling trips to the kitchen now Mrs S has kindly filled up the fridge.

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