And give you something to believe in I would

Sorry, not Sorry for more pictures of my kids. 

We have been thoroughly enjoying watching Boy and our J living their "Gap Yah" and finding themselves, and getting spiritual. 

We woke up yesterday to "This is my Wednesday, How is yours". 

The view was the water - the mountains, people doing their laundry in the river... castles, pagodas, temples. 

They hired bikes yesterday - instead of paying 100USD each for a boat ride to look at the view.  They rode mopeds round the area; little farming villages, fields, Chinese people, mountains, ate local, laughed, crashed their bikes and generally had one of the best, ever days in their life. 

Their joy is infectious.  I have to say, i look at their video,  I feel like chucking it all and joining them. - Tooli is gazing at flight schedules and trying to talk her pal in to joining her. 

Tonight though... they have to leave Guilin and head back to Shenzhen.  On a 13 hour sleeper.  There are six beds in their section.  J is on the bottom, Boy is on the top -and there is someone in between them - and three people a foot away.  

Boy says the smells are amazing (not).  There is no dining car -but to their joy a lady came through with a trolley.   Suffice to say the beds aren't built for 6 ft 4in big lads.  he's gonna be dangling his legs over the side, at least all the Chinese are probably small enough to pass under his legs. 

He text me "Lights off". about 1500 this afternoon  - I reckon they had been on for about 2 hours - so maybe now they'll have been on for 8 hours... only another five to go! 

They are living it all - and absorbing every moment of it.   I'm so proud of them both; experiencing something so very different and coping, and laughing so often. 

That's the secret. Laugh loud, and often. 

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