Clash of Cultures?
Not really such a huge clash as you might think. This is is a shot taken from the newly screened 'Hairy Bikers: Route 66' programme. They are concentrating on the food en-route of course, and doing some cooking themselves, but it is still a great programme.
They spent some time with the Amish in St Louis and it was a great insight into their way of life. I've only seen them briefly on TV and depicted in the film 'Witness' but they weren't really Amish as they don't allow themselves to be filmed or photographed, not their faces anyway.
They don't use electricity, they agree electricity is a wonderful thing but it's the things it leads to such as Radio, then TV, then computers and all the bad things that they bring with them. A wonderfully simple, friendly, and happy people who seem to get along very well with their neighbours and local community.
If you want to see this first episode it is on BBC iPlayer
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