Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Lothian House

I have a huge weakness for Art Deco, especially 30's architecture. Lothian house is something I see almost everyday (often sat for ages at the bus stop opposite gazing up at it) its a beautiful building which has the misfortune of being on Lothian Road surrounded by crap! lol I'm not saying there aren't other gorgeous buildings on Lothian Rd - there are - but unfortunately the majority is a bit scuzzy these days....

For the history buffs -
A category 'B' listed building, it was originally built as a Government tax office. It is externally decorated with 'Arts and Crafts' motifs showing rural images including the gathering of the harvest and also with images alluding to the Glasgow - Edinburgh ship canal (Union Canal) which still terminates at Port Hamilton nearby.

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