Indian Summer Get Together

I couldn’t help chuckling to myself wondering what His lordship would say if had seen the widows of two of his Edinburgh walking companions meeting with me for lunch today.
HL walked with them in the Lamington Hills every Wednesday for about 15 years before first one and then the other died leaving him to walk alone or latterly with the partner of my now Irish friend of many talents.
We, the wives, never got together, it was a boys only club and we were happy with that. That is until today when we met up for lunch and had a very enjoyable get together. We even arranged a walk next month in their memory.
As if that wasn’t enough socialising for one day, I’m off to my TGIF drink in the Marriott with the neighbours.

I can see another sleepless night with conversations buzzing round my head.

The blip is of a Marchmont garden in today’s Indian Summer

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