Back to the Dahlias

In spite of yesterday's blip including a dahlia, I have decided that another dahlia is in order for today's Flower Friday blip.  

I was keen to shoot the moon tonight, but unfortunately, it is cloudy so that's not going to happen.

 I had a nice long and enjoyable chat with my sis this evening.  It's always so good to hear her voice, and it makes the distance seem a little less. It's tough to have her on the other side of the world and the clock.  The time difference sucks. 

When I turned 70, I vowed that I was going to make it to the gym at least twice a week.   This was the first week, and I have gone twice and already feel so much better for it.  I have been a bit of a slacker this past year and have been slowly feeling more aches and pains and losing flexibility.  As they say: Use it or lose it.  I have decided to use it.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my little skipper, yesterday. Thanks to Anni for the Flower Friday challenge and have a great weekend. 

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