Audition Day

So Katie has been working hard with her teacher all summer to prepare for a final round audition on bassoon with Future Talent, after getting through their preliminary audition in spring. This happened at the Royal Academy of Music today!

She had such a wonderful day. We had lunch with J and a final run through before we went over to Baker Street. It was her first sight of the RAM and it stunned her.

The audition team were fantastic with her, very friendly, helpful and positive. She came out with such an energy and a lot of tales of lovely things they’d said Her accompanist came out and said she’d played great and how could they not love her. The panel told her she plays with amazing character and beautiful poise while still looking relaxed and happy. They told her she’s made incredible progress in her eight months of learning.

She was insistent on some park time- and with Regents Park backing on to the Academy it was perfectly possible. She charged round the park, dragging J with her and talking a thousand miles an hour while I stayed with the bassoon.

She tried hard to warn us a Hangry spell was on its way but we didn’t quite deal in time. Food was found and normal service was resumed. But we soon had to say goodbye to J. We managed a last play of the summer on the station swing before running to the train. I couldn’t get her to sleep, she was far too wired despite us not even getting on the train until 7.30!

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