On The Border
The uncomfortable humidity of the day finally diminished and I ventured outdoors with my camera. I managed to snag only one shot under the dripping leaves when light rain sent me scurrying to the safety of the garage. I wasn't done - what to do? I fetched my 100-400 and at not quite full reach explored the borders opposite from the dry of the garage.
Several challenges beset me: low light, wind, blowing plants, shallow depth of field from the telephoto and stability. I chose to increase my iso much higher, as an experiment, to get a reasonable shutter speed with a small aperture for acceptable dof. Even so the flowers are soft, although most leaves look sharp enough.
I think the softness gives the image a quiet feeling and reminds me of the rain. The leaves are shiny and obviously wet and the yellow flowers really pop in the low light. The foreground elements look almost cutout as the focus falls off dramatically due to the long lens.
There was visibly considerable noise from the high iso, but I think I managed to deal with it in LR acceptably.
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