
I'm of that generation that funded the mortgages and holidays of dentists by being subjected to unnecessary dental work as they were paid by the filling. At least, that is the popular conspiracy theory amongst my peers. I wonder if it was more to do with the sweets with which we were spoilt by our post-war grandparents? 

Whatever the reason, from my twenties onwards, most of the work I've had done at the dentist has been on maintaining work that was done before then, resulting in the complete loss of one molar a few years ago, which, finally, I'm having replaced with an implant.

I've always been pretty cool about the dentist. I don't enjoy it at all but I try to be logical. For example, if the work being done is nowhere near a nerve, I don't have an anaesthetic, although I will always defer to the dentists advice. And, for tomorrow's operation, I've been told I'll be given a sedative. 

For some reason, this has made me a little anxious. My thoughts keep returning to the prospect and I'm not sure why. Happily, though, Dean came up to visit, this evening, and we all went out for a curry, which totally took my mind off tomorrow.

-10.9 kgs
Reading: 'Are We Still Rolling?' by Phill Brown

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