It Started Down Under

By dirk


This day was a long one! I woke up at 5AM Melbourne time to get to the tram in time into the city. There I took the Skybus to the airport. I arrived an hour early, checked in and had an easy flight. Good breakfast and some nice views from the plane.

In Perth I was picked up by the sister of my grandma and her daughter in law. They took me to her place where we had tea. So much to talk about! Not much later Ashley (sort of cousine) was finished at university and welcomed me with a big hug. She took me to the beach with her 45 year old car. It was great there. A warm day, but nevertheless great.

When we got back I joined the rest of the family at the barbecue in the backyard of Ria. The house is big and really enjoyable, but so is the house of Jacky and Jim. It was great seeing all these familiar faces. We already made some plans for where they will take me the next days. We watched a movie at Ashley and Alex's place and I was in bed 11PM Perth time. Surviving a day of 20 hours! (I have to admit I did take a short siesta)

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