Dental Floss.....

...  of the garden brush kind!!! I thought Bella had taken a bit of a shine to this bristle until I realised it was stuck in her teeth!!!

Mr W had a last minute EDT job that took him on a day trip to the Isle of Wight, so I met up with 3 other Poo's and their owners for a walk. The weather was glorious and the dogs walked 3 times as far as the humans with all their playing so I was able to get my time sheets done while Fluffy Legs slept for the afternoon!!!

I sold Bellas puppy crate on Facebook today. It was nice to have someone turn up when they say they are going to turn up for a change and we have a large unwanted item gone from the house.

I also managed to get some more HeartFreekRocks finished today. I was surprised to see the ones I hid last weeks still in the woods. Is it only me who can spot a Heart a mile off???!!!

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