The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

And the wind cries Hendrix

Despite the recent attempt at gentrification of Stroud and the rise in antisocial behaviour, it is still a town with many genuine artists, as well as p*ss artists.

So it's appropriate to celebrate another big number day with this week's word from artist Andrew Wood, who is commemmorating the 39th anniversary of the death of Jimi Hendrix (on 18th September).

I was only six when Jimi died. I knew that there was a war in Vietnam. I had heard about the IRA because I lived in Ireland. But Jimi passed me by, until I was sixteen and had a crush on a boy who liked Jimi's music. I made it my mission to educate myself (after lights out, with the radio under the covers and the John Peel show playing). Things have not been the same since.

Favourite line: "all the traffic lights turn blue tomorrow" from (and the wind cries Mary). I have a nephew, born 1997, registered at birth as Jimi, not James. Fellow blipped Djrose has grandchildren named Dylan, Lennon and Hendrix. Through his legacy, Jimi won't be forgotten any time in my lifetime.

Artist Andrew Wood was at school with CleanSteve and recently attended his 70th birthday picnic. Originally a sculptor, he has been affected by Parkinson's disease and has turned his attention to creating The Word: a new word or phrase every week or two displayed in large letters near his town-central house, for all the world and passing traffic to see. A sort of Thought for the Week, if you will.

Some blippers may recall his "Scrotum" word late last year. He was visited by the police after someone complained about that word, but explained that he was promoting awareness of testicular cancer and the need to examine one's scrotum, if one has one.

I'm sure I wouldn't keep blipping if I didn't live in such an interesting and slightly surreal town as Stroud. And without my fellow blippers, there'd be no point at all in sharing. So, thanks to all who visit, and stay to read, because the images aren't up to much. You make blipfoto what it is.

Good night.

PS I hope I haven't accidentally killed a badger.

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