It's been another day of ticking things off my list, which then seems to have things added to the bottom of it! It's been a bumper year for the tomatoes and I picked some more this morning and watered the plants and helped myself to a couple of sweetcorn cobs. Then it was time to clear some more shelves in the living room in readiness for the new floor next week.
I caught up with an hour of Czech practice this afternoon and then cleared the decks for the arrival of Joe to sweep the chimney, ahead of colder weather and the need for the stove. It was a big change to last year when he took five bin bags of birds nests out of the chimney, just a neat pile of soot this time around.
There was time for tea after Joe left and then a lovely, long Skype with Becks who is looking wonderful and feeling wonderful. The time is passing quickly now and we shall soon be with them.
I popped out to take the bag of bunting to Hobbler Sally whose daughters are holding a Macmillan tea party next week and now it's time to relax!
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