
By AnnieBScotland

Don, Sally and me

To the Glasgow film theatre this afternoon to see a documentary on war photographer Don McCullin. Large you might just spot #2 daughter Sally and me in the reflection!

I have been interested in the work of Don McCullin for many years, since his heyday at the Sunday Times when the magazine regularly featured his stunning images on the front page. It was a powerful, harrowing watch about the career of a self confessed 'war junkie' but one who never lost sight of his role in war zones. His humanity shone through the whole film.

Stopped on the way for an hour's walk and blether with my friend Winnie, and am now going to try and catch up with blip during the commercial breaks of Dancing on Ice - I love this show, the only reality show I watch, so Sunday nights are booked for me from now until Easter!! I am immune to any criticism of the show, I just love ice skating and the glitter and glamour, along with the potential danger, are as addictive as blip!

since yesterday:

wine: none
treats: small handful of Reeses Pieces - a US sweet Sally got given at Xmas. the middle is peanut butter, which is protein, right? so they don't really count...
halo: only a little duller.

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