Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


And at the end there were smiles
Though time had passed
And so had many miles
There was laughter in their faces
A relief
That there were no spaces
Within the ranks that had set forth
That each member
Had remained and shown their worth
But justice had not been served
The one sought
Had not received what they deserved
Their path had slipped by the side
And for freedom
They'd then been able to ride
Leaving behind in their wake
Those searching
Cursing, rueing their mistake
Till time had been called on the chase
And route home
Was taken in relieved replace
For not one amongst them there
Had the heart
Nor even the care
To see punishment given out
For in all
Their sat the clearest doubt
A wondering if their cause was just
Or whether
It was the result of jealousy's lust
So it was in relief they returned
To a finality
They all felt they'd earned

Terry Rhiannyr
December 2012

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