
You know how it is. You have arrived at the dreaded "EB" moment. You've actually shot a few pictures here and there across the day but you look at them on-screen and absolutely nothing looks worth the while. What to do? It suddenly comes to you. You'll blip the new oriental lamp on the bedroom chest of drawers.

Hmmm. Still looks boring. So it's filter time of course. You try embossing. You try blending the embossed version with the original. So far the "quick EB" has taken about an hour. Then you crop all three versions. Then you ..... and after that you ..... I guess it might best be described as tinkering.

At some stage in pure desperation you employ some poor soul to drag you bodily from the editing desk and publish whatever happens to be on the screen at the time of drag. Well. Here it is.

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