
By cowgirl

Ramblin’ Man Fair 2019

A weekend of bands, kick started by The Kris Barras Band ... yes them again. Other bands are available!

The first time I’ve seen the girls out with them and been so far away ( had VIP tickets, that means viewing them from further away, but up on a viewing platform ). Loved seeing the girls, didn’t love being so far away and it won’t happen again!

The evening was topped off by The Darkness appropriately enough as the sun had gone down ... oh wait, the sun didn’t really bother to come out today, but at least the rain had stopped.

I’ve got loads of pics with Kris and a couple with the other guys, so this time I got Kris’s guitar tech, Wes, to cosy up for a pic. Also caught Mark the Merch ( top middle pic ) backstage from my VIP vantage point. Looking forward to some new t-shirts this autumn from what Mark has said ...

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