inspiration all around us

By Marykathleen

inspired by my Grandfather's desk

My parents inherited it from my grandparents. It used to live in a corner of the room, piled high with Dad's accounts. He would play a record, 'Stealing through the classics' while he meticulously recorded all the important family expenditure. He paid £11 for the 17th century carved oak wardrobe, and a little less for a new Ercol chair, bought at the Bentalls' blue cross sale, where everything stamped with a blue cross was sold at half the lowest price shown. He knew how to look for a bargain, did my Dad.

Now it is my turn to sit at the little oak desk. Unfortunately, I have not inherited my Dad's ability to keep accounts, although I have picked up a few bargains in my time - including this very comfy chair which we bought for £10.

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