'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Back to school soup :-\

The day has arrived - the last day of the holidays, the last day of complete and utter gluttony and indulgence, the last day of only have to organise myself and the dogs!

It has been a day of preparation too! 4 different types of homemade soup for school lunches - the weight watchers 0 point soup! A few Christmas excess pounds must be lost, and a yearning for my five a day! The exercise classes have been booked - lets see how long I last this half term - and new trail running shoes ordered! There may just be a chance that I can combine the dog walks with a jog around the fields and up and down the green lanes! Wish me luck!

Three beautiful things:
Spending some quality time with Jem and Millie, although Marmite has been missed today!

Roasted butternut squash

Some time to read.

One thing to be grateful for:
This is term is only 10 weeks and 4 days with half term in 6 weeks, last term's 15 weeks was a killer!

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