Mono Monday. : : Sparkle

I wouldn't generally choose the pavement of a parking lot for a picture of 'sparkle', but it has been months since it last rained, so the puddles reflecting the clouds attracted my attention. It only rained for a short time before I got up, but it was enough to create puddles. When the sun came out as I was on my way to coffee with OilMan, Larry and Bob, I did my best to capture the sparkle.

I'm not sure our conversation over coffee sparkled either, but it certainly was entertaining, ranging from never before confessed youthful indiscretions, to how hard the Pilates class was, to the relative effects on each of us of cookies made with pot in them.  I felt a little like I was back in high school!

OilMan spent some time making modifications to the 'critter cages' * that he and Dan installed yesterday, but decided he couldn't do more until he buys 12 more bags of soil! (I didn’t think the little bastards could displace that much dirt!) The fact that I could keep an eagle eye on OilMan right outside the living room window must have persuaded him to make himself scarce and hide away in some distant part of the garden in order to avoid my constant reminders nagging to stand up straight! The grandsons have gone back to school. I wonder who will get the bags of soil out of the car?

Last week my prized 'Hamilton' sweatshirt went missing and although I couldn't remember the last time I'd worn it, I revisited several places looking for it. After I had given up on it, I found it hanging on its customary hook. It seems I left it at Dana's house and she had brought it back the night before and put it back on the hook without mentioning it to me.

This afternoon's effort (when not nagging OilMan) was spent looking for my brand new sunglasses which I distinctly remembered seeing on the kitchen counter last night. Turns out Tobi got them mixed up with hers and took them hime with her. She apologized and I said I was just glad that I wasn’t losing my mind! No wonder I never get anything done....


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