mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


My poor baby :-(

Aidan had the Chickenpox just leading up to Christmas and it appears he's now passed them on to little Logan.

The lovely pharmacist has given me lotion and antihistamine. Aidan had lotion but didn't have the antihistamine. I don't think Aidan needed it, he managed not to scratch very well. Logan is scratching constantly and I'm conscious that infection is a possibility if I don't do something to help i.e. the antihistamine.

Logan's at the 'worst' stage just now, where it appears to painful, itchy and he has a temperature. Hopefully all this medication will allow him at least some sleep tonight. He managed very little last night and looks exhausted today.

All day he's been asking me for 'duddles' (aka cuddles) but no matter how I hold him he's not comfortable.

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