A 1928 Rolls-Royce 40/50hp Phantom I Tourer
I went to the Minchinhampton Country Fayre, where I had a street stall for a few hours. I correctly identified, and followed good advice that some pictures of the local heroes, the wandering donkey and his five horse friends, would be popular. I underestimated how popular they were.
The horse belong to local residents who have properties adjacent to the common, a very ancient area now controlled by the National Trust. Hundreds of cows, many of them of the long-horned Highland variety, as well as the aforementioned donkey and horses, wander for miles grazing from May to October under Commoner's Rights.
The donkey is known as Alfie and recently was hit by a car and injured, although he has now returned to the common. Everyone spotted my pictures of Alfie and grabbed them.
While I was setting up the stall before midday, we were asked to clear the street by the church and the market square as the parade of vintage cars was approaching, on their way to the Common where they would be on show all day. I was rather pleased to see this magnificent old timer. They were all owned by local residents and apparently several hundred thousand pounds was spent on restoring this vehicle a few years ago, according to the particulars from the Bonhams Auctioneers website where it was sold in 2013.
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