Lakeland Dipper (further afield)

Time and tide - Brancaster

One of the things I love when I’m down here is that I slip into another rhythm governed by the tides. I feel as though my whole body is plugged in and part of the landscape, less separate somehow.

I hopped on to my bike bright and early and cycled to Brancaster to catch the top of the tide. The road to the beach was well and truly flooded for a few hours with such a high tide so I walked out along the sea wall bank. With hardly anyone else having made it down there I had the beach to myself at first and it was bracing to say the least. I reckoned I was mad, but, caring not one fig for the brisk north-easterly, I plunged in to the surf and it was thoroughly exhilarating.

Heading back I saw a van waiting for the tide to go down (extras) ... unsurprisingly this accompanied me on my cycle ride back. I stopped for a coffee on the terrace at the White Horse before getting back and wearing myself out with lots of jobs around the house. Realising it was endless I forced myself to stop and headed to Gurney’s for a fish cake for tea and walked from Overy to Holkham woods and back with that brisk north-easterly still going strong. I could almost hear mum’s sharp intake of breath and see her grimace at the thought of a cold wind.
She’d have loved a brisk walk though ...
For mum x

...stop press...I think I saw an Arctic Skua...

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