Where's my mum?

We had a text from R this morning to say that she had landed safely at Heathrow but wasn't well!!

A sickness bug had hit after leaving Doha!! The tube, train & taxi journey home were going to be difficult.

We said that we would get to her house a.s.a.p. and suggested that she went straight to bed.

Bless her, she must have felt really bad; she was in bed fully clothed (minus shoes) when we arrived and has slept most of the day.

We have spent the day looking after her, getting the fire on and the house warmed up and collecting the dogs from kennels. Poor Lottie is quite upset that her Mum is not there to play with her :0(

Thank goodness for emails so that we can keep P informed, as the telephone lines to Kathmandu are poor!!

We will stay with her until she is fully recovered.

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