
My godparents, amandoAlentejo & Mikedetrapia gave me the ‘Jesus’ fish on a necklace when I was 14 years old, to celebrate my baptism...

Today I’ve pretty much just washed people’s clothes and cleaned my home. I did get out just before school pickup, popped to Nude to say hi and get a coffee.
Nate had another brilliant morning at his play place Momo. I am SO glad.
Danny led the last short term team prayer walk this afternoon - the end of those is a sure sign we’re coming to the end of the summer season. These are our last group of volunteers.

Now I’m sat making earrings and waiting for our friends Suzy & Jeff (blipper JeffPaps) to arrive for the week!

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Having a lovely home to clean.
2) School mom friends.
3) Significant gifts, like this fish...Thankyou aA & MdT!

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