
By Ursonate17

Am I Seeing Things?

To my regular Moorfields Glaucoma Clinic appointment this morning.

Loins were girded, ready for the agonies of the Visual Field Test, but not for what was staring at me from the depths of the aquarium beside the water cooler.
Was I seeing things or was that indeed POTUS in fishyform checking me out ?

Still queazy as my name was called, I trudged into the packed gloom of the field test cavern (see extras) and prepared to face the tortures of staring into a void, forever looking for faint lights flashing in my own AI micro-cosmos.
Knowing that stuff is going on that I can’t detect freaks me out and I end up pressing the detector button randomly, earning shrill rebuke from my warder, reminding me that the cheat algorithms were cleverer than I.

Anyway, long story short - an hour later I’m in the analysis session with BossLady. She tells me that despite being an over-competitive nightmare, my visual field and pressure tests were stable, that I was a good boy really and could return to the outside world for another six months.

So Hoorah and three cheers for our wonderful NHS.

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