I was wondering what to do for today’s Blip when I got off one bus to wait for another and saw the sun shining through the bus shelter, making patterns on the red seat - and thought, “That will do nicely!”  Of course, I did take it at an angle, it would've been rather boring otherwise. 

I had a good wander around the Designer Outlet that we have in Swindon, based in the old Railway Works, mainly, Mr. HCB tells me, in the old Boiler Shop - but even though I have dropped two dress sizes, didn’t see anything that caught my eye.  I sometimes wonder where they get all the “tatty” stuff that is in the never-ending sales in these places.  Perhaps they import it from other places in the world and then send English “tat” over there!  

I did treat myself to some new chopping boards - which look very classy on my new worktop, so all was not in vain.

Mr. HCB didn’t come with me, of course;  he’s not really a shopper and would far rather be working in the garden - and of course, wanted to take advantage of the lovely weather we’ve had today.

I’m not going over to see Mum tonight, but have just rung her and she said she feels “under the weather” this evening and has taken a paracetamol because she has a headache.  My sister told me that she and my brother have both been in to see her today, so with the carers, she’s had at least 6 visitors during the day;  I think she has got used to all the attention.  I’m going to try and get her up for a while when I go tomorrow, but won’t be holding my breath!  

“To me, photography 
     is an art of observation. 
It’s about finding something interesting 
     in an ordinary place… 
I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see 
     and everything to do 
          with the way you see them.”
Elliott Erwitt

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