
Thank you for my new bedroom.

I love you.

Love's (not hearts) and kisses.

I hope you have a fun year.

From Orlando.

That's okay Orlando, it was a simple case of......

Visiting a couple of hideous big out-of-town shops and hours and hours of cleaning, sorting, tidying, chucking out, recycling, mending, rearranging, rehoming and putting back, with hours spent looking for allen keys, dissembling, assembling, moving out, moving in, clogging up the landing, stubbing toes, banging into door frames, re-postitioning extension cables, tripping over hoovers, heaving in and out of rooms and discovering that anything called 'Len' is in fact for a cot, not a child's bed.

But it was all worth it for that letter.

And Beau whispering 'I Love You' in my ear as he want to sleep.

And Fin telling me 1086 times that he couldn't believe how comfy his new bed is.

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