Almost buried... weeds and creeping vines. Poor truck, sitting there forgotten!  I blipped this once before, but the weeds were only tire high back then. Thanks to Marlieske for hosting DS each week.
I had a great time last night with the family--we closed the place, which isn't really saying much as the restaurant portion of it closes at 9! Haha! But we were there for 4 hours that just flew by. My cousin is going to see our aunt today, as is one of my brothers, so I gave my brother the list of things my aunt still needs (it's a very small list, as I'd gotten most of the other things), so he agreed to pick them up before he went. That way I can wait until tomorrow or Saturday to run over and see how she's doing. They were still having a major issue with the oxygen yesterday when my sister was there, (in that no one knows how to change the portable tanks, let alone turn them on or be able to tell if they are empty or full) so my sister called the company to send someone out to check the tanks & told them they needed the tech to in-service the staff. Hope they did. And in a bit of good news, I finally found a dress to wear to the wedding, and it was only $29.99--what a bargain, and what a relief!!  :))

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