Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

He's a student!

Years in the making, hundreds of ranger events later, many birds, beastie, bug and creature books devoured since he could scan pictures and learn to read, and fuelled by the ability to say the word anemone at age 2 before I could (and still can't), nature boy is.....

Nature Student! HND countryside management at SRUC, he's very happy and we (Ma n Pa) are very chuffed. He better bloody stick in!

He's already enjoying student life ("It's everything I hoped it would be and nothing like school", he tells me), enjoying the company of like minded classmates (He's the youngest, most are under 25 and the oldest is 71, how cool is that?!) and this notorious booze shy, pub hating boy has already downed a few ciders* and won a pub quiz. Long may his contentment shine out! And long may he endure his mum asking him how it's going... all the time....I mean I'm relentless, hahaha

*Ranger drink of choice so we believe!!

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