Chapter Two

By lauriemfisher

Green Goodness

I've decided to be better to myself by eating better. I'm actually lazy about cooking for myself and have a serious sweet tooth (Whoopie Pies a food of choice ) so need to find another route. Green juice may be the answer. It's totally filled with good and healthy ingredients AND it tastes good. I was pretty skeptical when Laurie suggested I try it, but try it I did. AND I liked it. I felt seriously energized for the rest of the day. Ready to run around the basketball court with Sam...well, maybe not that, but felt good.
The prep is just shopping for, washing and chopping fruits and vegetables. Easy and sort of fun. Seeing the juice come out if the machine is cool. Mind you, I'm not buying the machine yet, but am thinking about it.
You are what you eat??????? Maybe.

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