
By KaliBug

All Aboard The Looney Bug

On my walk home from the mini-mart with my mom and 3 little sisters, I realized I hadn't taken but 1 other picture today and I'm determined about this 365 project thing! Panic struck me noticing that the good lighting of the day had already fled and soon it'd be impossible for me to get something decent without my tripod.

Then I spotted my old neighbor's VW Bug. I honestly am in love with these cars (the old makes, not the new ones) and I remembered living across from them and being envious that the kids got to drive the bug to school. I quickly pulled my camera from my pocket while keeping my 6-year old sister atop my shoulders and snapped 1 picture. It was perfect.

If you may be wondering, the reason why this car is called the Looney bug and not the loony bug, it's because their last name is Looney. How clever of them.


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