Instant Coffee Rocks

Please see LARGE. Hope you don't mind but this is a variation of a shot I tried back in September. This time I have gone for something of a "macro". PLAY THE COFFEE MUSIC

Many of you know that there is one thing I take seriously ... and that thing is coffee. I am one of nature's own fuss grumps, when it comes to coffee.

Accordingly the title of today's blip may seem a little strange and in need of explanation. I am not a fan of instant coffee as such and therefore it is not my view that instant coffee "rocks" in the sense that it is musically inclined or socially "cool" in any way. Nor do I suggest that instant coffee perpetually moves backwards and forwards inducing seasickness. Although ... now that I mention it ... never mind.

Rather, I use the word "rocks" as a noun rather than as a verb. These large granules of Maccona Espresso Style , to my mind, resemble small ROCKS. In fact if one HAS to have instant coffee (it being marginally better than no coffee at all) they even TASTE a bit like them as well.

My apologies to those of you who may have been expecting me to walk another leg of Sydney or Bust tomorrow. Unfortunately the weather Bureau has warned of temperatures reaching 43 degrees as far as the lower mountains tomorrow. It has been strongly suggested to me that (in view of my advanced years) I should postpone the trek. Sorry.

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