World Cleanup Day

Sofie from bSplash organised a litter picking event to coincide with World clean up day - in just over 2 hours we collected all this and more (some was carted away before I got this pic). Absolutely shattered by the end of it! Danny collected me and we went to the new English supermarket - it was amaaaazing! We even found coleslaw!!!! Also Dettol for in the washing machine!!! Just as well as I've used up the last of what my aunt brought over last year!!
Home and Danny was out all afternoon doing prison things...I was editing the pics for bspalsh...Nate was generally causing chaos, ha! 
Asha was home from her sleepover early evening - the family stayed for coffee and nattering too which was nice...they speak SO fast and with such a strong South American accent - I need to be seriously concentrating to understand!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Dettol! Already used it in 2 washes this afternoon! Nearly got through all the homeless stuff...only 1 bag left! Phew!
2) Sofie from bSplash.
3) Coleslaw!

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