Bonkers three

Today could have gone two ways
A great day
A bad day

Luckily it went the right way

Daddy left just after 8
Tap and then ballet
Wom and I headed to rugby
Auntie Sarah picked up munchie from ballet and brought her to swimming
Munchie then swam

Home, tinkers had their lunch in the car
Quick change of car
Headed to newbridge farm park

The three of them have
Played in soft play
Climbed hay bales
Bounced on trampolines
Clamoured around a frame
Swung like monkeys
Dig in sand
Fed: goats, sheep
Held: bunnies, chicks, guinea pigs, hedgehog, chipmunk, cockroaches

Bounced about on a tractor ride

Home via the pub for ham egg and chips x 3, 1 burger and 1 fish and chips

Slight meltdown from them both when they realised daddy wasn’t home
Both asleep by 7:30

I tried to work but head full of cotton wool

Happy days

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