Alexander McCall Smith - "pushy Edinburgh mothers"
A surprise guest at Bloody Scotland -Festival of Crime Writing - in Stirling this afternoon was Alexander McCall Smith from Edinburgh.
He said he felt a bit of a fraud because he wasn’t a crime writer but he was there to talk about his latest book, which is his own version of Scandinavian noir, called Scandi blanc, “The Department of Sensitive Crimes”.
Predictably he entertained us with hilarious stories from Edinburgh about the city being “ infested with pushy mothers and the Scottish Government, aware of the problem, will do nothing about it.”
We heard the story of the criminal who had been given a community service order of 200 hours of Scottish country dancing and the headquarters of the Edinburgh nudist club, now located in a posh area of the New Town which now shows up on Google maps much to the distress of the residents.
As for his writing, he wasn’t certain how many books he had published (the interviewer informed him 60 and they were translated into 40 different languages including one in Old Scots) he publishes an average of six books a year.
His daily writing regime is rigid: he gets up at 4 am every day, writes for two hours, then goes back to bed again. He is 71 years of age.
Check him out on my Instagram site:
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