norberwick blue

Despite having a theoretical six hours when wife+wingpiglet were out at a party three and a half of them had been used up by the time I finished doing indoor tasks and could set out for a trundle. A somewhat idealistic plan considered days beforehand had been to pop straight out at ten, have a nice trundle about then return to the city to pop to a cinema but with only limited time a lengthy-as-possible exercise seemed more sensible, not entirely unconnected with the vague plan to generally cycle slightly further this year than last year, which stops well short of being anything as official as a resolution or non-vague plan. Not wanting to do anything involving delays to look at electric map-routes or physical maps or going anywhere placing me at too much risk of homeward-knackment if the wind changed I ended up just heading eastish to North Berwick, to which I don't recall cycling or even visiting in Blipping memory though I've definitely visited it and almost certainly cycled at least to if not through it, unless I didn't quite go through it if I approached it from inland and stopped off at the Law rather than heading through the town. I didn't have much time for doing anything more than eating a few biscuits and an unfilled bagel on a bench before heading back but it'll be worth another (more organised and earlier-starting) pop at a future time.

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