A day in Paris or not...

By ellebasi


Thank you all for the very kind encouragements you left, it warms my heart and give me some courage to continue blipping!

Waiting for a XRay and echography of my shoulder.
Nothing broken, just calcifications and tendinite and ...age :'(

I want to introduce a new blipper to you, my daughter delousme living and studying in Montreal,Canada.
If you look at her first blip, it's about a work she has done about blip, thinking what would be if a Photo Camera brand would like to sponsorize a blipper as the specifications of the cameras can be seen.
Her theory was very interesting, I wanted to post it, but it is written in french, and would be uncapable to translate it clearly!
She is smart and beautiful (sorry for that..!)
So I was busy packing cartons as I'm moving..yes, soon or later my journal will change its name.

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