
By NellieD

Hobnobbing with the stars!

Having a huge network of people in my book and crochet group brings me into contact with a lot of people.  One of the ladies in my crochet group invited me to the cinema this morning to watch the film her brother recently produced.  

I assumed I would be watching a small budget film but the cast included Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes, Matt Smith and Rhys Ifans!  Turns out it has just been released and we were the first audience in the world - outside of the US - to watch it.

Ged Doherty, her brother in the photo, was President of Sony, is Chairman of the Brit Awards and co-founded a film production company with Colin Firth!

I loved the film and came away thinking "would I have done the same" - and I doubt I would have had the courage.  I would thoroughly recommend it:

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