Muscle Bound

Back to work and back to rain; back to umbrellas and gumboots; back to sodden seagulls and small lochans in the backyard; back to the gym and trying to lose the mince pie midriff.

I think his Lordship would like to emulate the muscle bound shadow, while I would be content with the original honed rigid body.

His Lordship invited me in behind his door today to say something which he would hope I wouldn't take the wrong way.
With my apprehension at fever pitch, I was delighted that his announcement to be that people might consider it very eccentric for me to go to the gym at * am in the morning.

I laughed, as at last I thought, I have become an eccentric old lady, an eccentric with no piercings, tattoos, gothic looks, wildly coloured hair or outlandish clothes :in fact nothing which marks me out from the crowd.

I am not wearing purple, spitting in the street or rattling my walking stick on the railings or even talking to myself yet, I am simply going to the 24/7 gym at silly o'clock when sleep eludes me.

I must say, I think I rather like the label even though there is no one else in the gym to note my arrival, it is only His Lordship who has passed comment.

Perhaps I should cultivate his description of me.
Suggestions please in the comments box.

* I'm not telling, I think myself it's a bit eccentric!

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