
By kettwigefrau

How to recycle - not.

Like most of the intelligent world, the Germans are very keen on recyclying, separate bins at home for general waste, recyclable stuff, garden/veggie waste, paper. Glass however, is a different matter and you have to take it along to one of the many, many bottle banks. Easy.
What you're supposed to do is put the bottles in the big grey containers, the clear glass bottles go in the one for clear glass, the green glass in the one for green glass and the brown in the brown.
Not rocket science.
You don't need a fancy degree to work out the system.
But do you see what's wrong with the picture I took?
The bottles are on the ground, not in the recycling bins, because the bins are full.
The problem is that when the recycling truck comes along, all they do is lift the container over the truck and empty it in, I'm quite sure it's not in their job description to pick up by hand, the 100 or so bottles that have been lined up alongside, that's if the bottles are still intact by then and haven't been knocked over either by the moving of the container or by some idiots staggering around drunk.
Clever huh?
My glass recycling is still waiting in my garage to be dropped off at a recycling point, and those who know me can imagine how many bottles I have, but I clearly can't take them to the closest glass recycling because it's rather full, shall wait, make the collection a little bigger first!

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