Giant Meccano
I waved Daughter#1 off on her overland journey to Denmark in the rain, then took my ailing car to the garage, thankful to have reached that far without further mishap. It is making horrible noises every time I turn a sharp corner or go over a bump - it sounds as if something is loose and about to drop off!
Anyway, Iain at the garage told me to leave the car with him so that he could have a look at it, and, give him his due, he offered to run me home, but I said I'd just get the bus.
While waiting for the bus I blipped this building site through the perspex of the bus shelter, hence the poor quality. Killearn Village Hall has been partly demolished and is being rebuilt with a huge fancy extension, which should be finished by May. You get an idea of the size of the project from the scale of the men in the picture. I trust they know what they're doing...
Meanwhile I await a phone-call from the garage with the bad news. I'm trying to think positive!
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